Use this tool to calculate your freight's density to help you determine shipping class and rates. Please note that we may also reweigh and dimension your freight to verify density once we've picked up your shipment. For more on shipment classification and weight, see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
EXAMPLE: If the length is 25 inches, the width is 24 inches and the height is 23 inches, multiply them as follows:
EXAMPLE: If the pallet is 46 inches long, 42 inches wide and 6 inches high, add the height of the pallet to the height of the shipment (23 inches) for a combined height of 29 inches.
To determine the density of a cylindrical shaped object or any article that's not square, rectangular or elliptical, multiply the greatest dimension on the cylindrical plane by itself, then multiply that result by the object's height or length. If the value is in cubic inches, divide the number by 1,728 cubic inches, then divide the weight by this number. The answer will provide your density figure.
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